Individual Membership



  • Access to all discounts available through Chamber business partnership with different shops and restaurants.
  • Discounted advertisements on Chamber online news bulleting
  • Entry to Chamber members meet at discounted fees.
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  • All advantage of Basic
  • Chamber social media free consultation
  • Chamber marketing team assistance available
  • Two free invitations in members meet with lunch/dinner.
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  • All advantage of Bronze
  • Listing on Chamber’s website, social media and the business directory
  • Access to leadership and personality development programs
  • Access to legal advice seminars
  • Opportunity to post coupons on Chamber social media
  • Access to discounted sponsorship opportunities
  • Chamber business council visit every month
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$1500/Two Years

  • All advantages of silver
  • Opportunity to be nominated or to nominate different Award function organized by the Chamber.
  • Invitation in all breakfast and lunch/dinner meeting ( minimum 24 ) includes complimentary quarterly luncheon meeting with key business / industry / government heads
  • Free two sponsorship for Chamber events
  • Invitations to special VIP events throughout the year
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$2000/Two Years

  • All advantages of Gold
  • Invitations to private one to one seminar with eminent business leader and professionals such as doctors, lawyers, accountants
  • Opportunity to be selected as an invitee to Board of committee members for one meeting an year.
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$5000/Two Years

  • All advantages of platinum
  • Invitation to join any of the executive committee as a member
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$50000/One Time

  • All advantages of prime
  • To be selected as committee member.
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$50000/Ten Years

  • 10 years corporate membership
  • 5 individuals can avail benefit
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